Trongsa Festival

Trongsa Festival

Trongsa is located in central Bhutan and was once the seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan. Both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat.  All four kings were invested as Trongsa Penlop (“governor”) prior to ascending the throne.  The dzong built in 1648, is a massive structure with many levels, sloping down the contours of the ridge on which it is built.  Because of the dzong’s highly strategic position, on the only connecting route between east and west, the Trongsa Penlop was able to control effectively the whole of the central and eastern regions of the country from here.

Of the many festivals being held in various parts of Trongsa, the highlight is the four day annual tshechu being held annually in the courtyard of Choetse Dzong, where people from all walks of life congregate for blessings from the sacred mask dances performed by both monks and laymens. The tshechu falls sometime in the month of December. Besides the mask dances, one can witness the unfurling of the sacred Thongdrol and receive blessings. People also receive blessings from the sacred Nangtens (Relics) that is open during the last day of the tshechu.