East-West Bhutan birding (ranging from 14 – 19 days)

[spoiler title=’Day 1 : Arrive Paro (2200m)’]

After being received by our tour guide you will be accompanied by the guide from the airport to the hotel.
Afternoon you will visit Paro Dzong and Ta- Dzong built in 1646. Ta-Dzong was once a watchtower for the defense of the Paro Rinpung Dzong. It was turned into a museum of natural history in 1967. Evening walk along the Paro river for birding.
Overnight stay at hotel, Paro.


[spoiler title=’Day 2: Paro Chelila (3890m) & Haa excursion. ‘]

The highlight is to look for the Himalayan Monal and Tragopans (most commonly seen in spring & early summer). Set off by 5:30am and drive to Chelila pass (3890m). The drive will take an hour. Enjoy walking on the ridges to scan for the pheasants. Spend around 2-3 hours on the mountain slopes and then take an hour’s drive to Haa valley. Have lunch at Haa and then drive towards Paro using the Chhuzom highway. Stop and walk on the road now and then. Try to reach Paro before sundown to look for Wall Creepers and Lesser Cormorants around Yeesuna village which is around 8 km before reaching Paro town.
Overnight stay in hotel, Paro.


[spoiler title=’Day 3: Paro – Thimphu (65Km) 1.5hrs.drive. (2300m).’]

In capital city Thimphu birding’s best is Motithang (upper Thimphu) and Cheri to the northern end. The species found in this area are Ibis bill, Common Sandpiper, Crested kingfisher, Brown Dipper, Eurasian Sparrow hawk, Shikra, Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Darjeeling Woodpecker, Common Hoopoe, Nepal House Martin, Long-tailed Minivet, Scarlet Minivet, Grey wagtail, Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, Spotted Nutcracker, Red-billed Chough, Yellow-browed Tit, Upland Buzzard, Himalayan Buzzard, Common Buzzard, Wall creeper, Rufous-fronted Tit, Black-throated Tit, Black-tailed Crake, Ruddy-breasted Crake, Solitary Snipe, Plumbeous Water Redstart, Northern Goshawk, Black eagle, etc. In the evening you will visit Trashichhoedzong built in 1641, the king’s throne room and house of Jekhenpo the chief abbot.
Overnight stay at hotel, Thimphu.


[spoiler title=’Day 4: Birding in Thimphu, Cheri (2300m)’]

Take picnic lunch and drive 20km to Cheri. The road ends at Cheri Bridge where Jigme Dorji Wildlife sanctuary starts. The trail to Cheri is mixed deciduous vegetation which will offer good birding like Spotted laughing Trush, Fire Capped Tit, Golden Breasted Fulvetta, Yellow Backed Flower Packer, and Maroon Backed Accentor.
After lunch will drive back to City of Thimphu for cultural sightseeing’s visit Changangkha Lhakhang; One of the oldest monasteries in the Thimphu valley. It built in the 15th century by a descendant of Lama Phajo, the man who spread the sect drukpa kagyu in Bhutan. The main statue at the temple is of Avalokiteswara (the eleven-headed Buddha manifestation with 1000 arms and 1000 eyes).
National Memorial Chorten; the building of this landmark was envisaged by the third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, as a monument to world peace and prosperity. Completed in 1974 after his untimely death, it is both a memorial to the Late King (“the father of modern Bhutan”) and a monument to world peace. The paintings and statues inside the monument provide a deep insight into Buddhist philosophy. In the evening, drive to Kuenselphodrang to view the world’s largest and the tallest statue of Lord Buddha. The 169-feet bronze statue of Buddha Dordenma symbolizes indestructibility, and seated on a vajra throne, overlooking the capital city.
Overnight stay at Hotel, Thimphu.


[spoiler title=’Day 5: Thimphu- Punakha 4hrs drive (1350m)’]

Today drive to with stop over Dochu La (pass) at 3,050 meters. The snow-capped eastern Himalayan range can be seen on a clear day. You can circumambulate the 108 stupas of the Druk Wangyal Chorten.
You will continue drive to down to the valley. The birds found in valleys of Punakha and Wangduephodrang are Himalayan Cutia, Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, Collared Grosbeak, Red Crossbill, Golden-breasted Fulvetta, White-browed Fulvetta, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Plain Mountain Finch, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird, Green-tailed Sunbird, Black-throated Parrotbill, Himalayan Bluetail, White-browed Bush Robin, Rufous-breasted Bush Robin, Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Brown Bullfinch, Red-headed Bullfinch, Chestnut-tailed Minla (Bar-throated Siva) , Dark-breasted Rosefinch, Little Bunting, White-bellied Heron, Common Kingfisher, White-throated Kingfisher, Crested Kingfisher, Grey Treepie, Spotted Nutcracker, Speckled Wood Pigeon, Slaty-backed Forktail, Spotted Forktail, Eurasian Jay, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler,etc.
Overnight stay in hotel, Punakha.


[spoiler title=’Day 6& 7: Birding in Punakha – Gasa (2900m)’]

You will drive along the Pochu River. In this stretch you will sight Jungle Owlet, Asian-barred Owlet, Osprey, White-bellied Heron, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Lesser Fish Eagle, Great Cormorant, Black-throated Sunbird, Green-tailed Sunbird, Black-throated Yuhina, Striped-throated Yuhina, Whiskered Yuhina, Straited Yuhina, Scarlet Minivet, Long-tailed Minivet, Grey-chinned Minivet, Barred Cuckoo Dove, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Darjeeling Woodpecker, Bay Woodpecker, Chestnut-headed Tesia, Slaty-bellied Tesia, Grey-bellied Tesia, White-gorgeted Flycatcher, Large Niltava, Small Niltava, Rufous-bellied Niltava, Great Barbet, Blue-throated Barbet, Golden-throated Barbet, Asian Koel, Grey-hooded Warbler, Golden-spectacled Warbler, Tickell’s Leaf Warbler, Lemon-rumped Warbler, Buff-barred Warbler, Slaty-backed Forktail, Spotted Forktail, Black-backed Forktail, Yellow-bellied Fantail, White-throated Fantail, Rusty-fronted Barwing, Hoary-throated Barwing, Blue-fronted Robin, Lesser Shortwing, Himalayan Cutia, Green Shrike-babbler, Rufous-winged Fulvetta, Yellow-throated Fulvetta, Black-eared Shrike-babbler, Spotted Wren Babbler, Pygmy Wren Babbler, Speckled Piculet, Orange-bellied Leafbird, White-tailed Nuthatch, Maroon Oriole, Scarlet Finch, Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon.
Overnight in tented camp.


[spoiler title=’Day 8: Punakha- Phobjikha 70km/2.5 hrs, (2900m)’]

From Punakha you will drive eastward toward Phobjikha through the black mountain region. Phobjikha valley is one of the most important wildlife preserves in the country and it serves as the nesting grounds for the endangered Black-necked Crane in winter. The bird species found in this valley are Yellow-rumped Honey guide, Blue-capped Rock Thrush, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Great Parrotbill, Alpine Accentor, Green-tailed Sunbird, Fire-tailed Sunbird, Rufous-vented Yuhina, Whiskered Yuhina, Scaly Thrush, Tickell’s Thrush, Fire-capped Tit, Amur falcon, Ward’s Trogon, Blue Rock Thrush, Black-faced Laughing thrush, Spotted Laughing thrush, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Red-headed Bullfinch, Scarlet Finch, White-tailed Nuthatch, etc.
Overnight stay in hotel, Gangtey.


[spoiler title=’Day 9: Phobjikha – Trongsa 87kms/ 3 hours, (2200m)’]

Drive for three hours through dense evergreen forests of oak, rhododendron, horse chestnut, laurel, maple, fir, spruce, larch, hemlock and juniper to the central district of Trongsa crossing Pele La (pass) at 3390m. The species found in this area includes Spotted Laughingthrush, Crested Serpent Eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, Common Kestrel, Himalayan Griffon, Himalayan Swiftlet, Asian House Martin, Nepal House Martin, Common Rosefinch, Beatiful Rosefinch, White-browed Rosefinch, Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler, Streaked-breasted Scimitar Babbler, Brown Parrotbill, Scaly-breasted Wren Babbler, and Speckled Wood Pigeon.
Overnight stay in hotel, Trongsa.


[spoiler title=’Day 10: Trongsa-Bumthang 3hours drive (2650m) ‘]

In the morning, try to spot the Beautiful Nuthatch and the sapphire flycatcher. After breakfast you will drive to Bumthang after visiting Dzong and Ta- dzong which was built in 1648; it was seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan and visit Ta Dzong which houses royal heritage museum.
You will continue drive to Bumthang crossing Yotong la pass at 3400m en route you will spot species like Bar-throated Siva, Brown Parrot bill, Hill Partridge, Black-faced Laughingthrush, Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush, Gold-naped Finch etc. Evening walk along the Chamkhar river to spot few species like little bunting, Red-billed Chough, Blyths Pipit, and Common Sandpiper.
Overnight stay in hotel, Bumthang.


[spoiler title=’Day 11: Exploring Bumthang (3500m)’]

Another day for sighting pheasants if missed in the previous days. Visit Tharparling monastery (3500m) for magnificent Monal Pheasant and Satyr Tragopan. Besides, you will sight Spot-winged Grosbeak, Durian Redstart, Olive-backed Pipit, Oriental Skylark, Black-billed Magpie, etc.
Overnight stay in hotel, Bumthang.


[spoiler title=’Day 12: Bumthang – Sengor 5hrs.drive (3000m).’]

Morning drive to Sengor passing over Thrumsingla pass at 3800m.The species you would encounter are Blood Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan, Spotted Nutcracker, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Fire-tailed Sunbird, Black Bulbul, Red-headed Bullfinch, Grey Wagtail, Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Blue-bearded Bee-eater, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Great Parrotbill, Yellow-rumped Honey guide, Orange-flanked Bush Robin, Stripe-throated Yuhina, White-browed Fulvatas, Satyr Tragonpan, Blood Pheasnat, Himalayan Monal, White-throated Fantail ,Rufous-throated Partridge, Lesser-racked Tailed Drongo.
Overnight in tented camp.


[spoiler title=’Day 13: Sengor-Namling-Yongkola 4 hours (1875m).’]

Today you travel to Namling and to Yongkola in search of species like Gould’s Shortwing, Bar-winged Wren Babblers, Yellow-rumped Honey guide, Black-headed Shrike Babblers, White-browed Shrike Babbler, Ward’s Trogons, Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler, Blue-throated Barbet, Golden-throated Barbet, Great Barbet, Golden Bush Robin, and Chestnut-breasted Partridge.
Overnight in tented camp.


[spoiler title=’Day 14-15: Explore Yongkola (1875m).’]

In this area you will sight Rufous-necked Hornbil, Tawny Fish Owl, Ward’s Trogon, Red-headed Trogon, Rufous-throated Wren Babbler, Scaly Wren Babbler, Pygmy Wren Babbler, Himalayan Cutia, Grey-winged Blackbird, Hoary-throated Barwing, Rusty-fronted Barwing, Steak-breasted Scimitar Babblers, Collar-billed Scimitar Babbler, Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler, Long-tailed Minivet, Short-billed Minivet, Grey-chinned Minivet, Scarlet Minivet, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Rufous-bellied Eagle, Black-throated Prinia, Striated Prinia, Gray-throated Babbler, Ashy Bulbull, Mountain Bulbull, Himalayan Bulbull, Grey-throated Babbler, Bhutan Laughingthrush, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch, Beautiful Nuthatch, White-tailed Nuthatch, Asian-barred Owlet, Short-billed Minivet, Rufous-necked Laughingthrush etc.
Overnight in tented camp.


[spoiler title=’Day 16: Yongkala – Trashigang 5hrs. drive. (1400m)’]

En route to Trashigang, we stop at Kori La. The forest here is rich in mosses and lichens, and we search these mountain forests for Steak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler, Grey-winged Blackbird, Hoary-throated Barwing, Long-tailed and Short-billed Minivets, Bhutan Laughing thrush, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch, Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler and Spotted Wren-Babbler.

Overnight stay in hotel, Trashigang.


[spoiler title=’Day 17: Trashigang – Morong 6hours drive. (1710m.)’]

On the drive you can spot birds such as Pies falconet, Dark-rumped swift, Pin tailed green pigeon, Sultan tit, Black-backed forktail, Red-headed trogon, Black eagle, House sparrow, Jungle babbler, Grey-sided laughing thrush, etc.
As you descend to the foothills temperate vegetation gives way to broad-leafed forests which is the habitat of the Rufous-necked Hornbill, Beautiful Nuthatch, and Gold-naped Finch. Further down you should be able to spot the Wreathed Hornbill, the rare Violet Cuckoo, Pied Falconet, and the Greater Rufous-breasted Parrot bill.
Overnight: Morong Campsite


[spoiler title=’Day 18: Morong – Samdrupjongkhar 4hrs. Drive. (450m)’]

This forest is remarkably rich and diverse; target species here include the rare Dark-rumped Swift, Pied Falconet, Jungle Babbler, Large Hawk Cuckoo, Pin-tailed Green Pigeon, Wreathed and Great Hornbill and Puff-throated Babbler. The subtropical forests of the foothills of Samdrup Jongkhar are home to the Silver-eared Mesia, White-rumped shama and Greater flame back.
Overnight stay in Hotel Samdrupjongkhar.


[spoiler title=’Day 19: Departure’]

After breakfast in the hotel, then drive to the airport for flight to onward destination.


Tashi Delek